I really enjoyed learning about Kendo and Kyudo because it is very different from the American culture. I appreciate the kindness and generosity provided by everyone at the school and will share my experience with others back home.
Thank you so much.
Katey Lawson
We are honored and privileged to have had the opportunity to visit Tsukidate High School, as part of our 40th year anniversary Wings of Rotary youth exchange. Our oklahoma students enjoyed the interaction with local students. An excellent presentation by students studying English about the school day and the school project resulting in “For You in the Tomorrow” began our day. Lessons and demonstration in Kendo and archery taught the U.S. students about the Japanese culture and heritage with much appreciation and laughter. We are grateful for the opportunity.
Thank you for hosting us.
Keith Oehleret
伊藤汰智 阿部凌大 吉田稜人 小澤水月
○やり投 三浦慎也
○円盤投 千葉颯
○個人 4位 佐々木弥来
○射道 優秀賞 獲得
○女子ダブルス 小野寺楓・佐藤亜美
全国ハイスクールジャパンカップ ソフトテニス
○女子ダブルス 星莉菜・幸野紅映